How to live in a musical stave?

 How to live in a musical stave?

Hello, I am a treble clef and today I will give you a guide on how to survive on the musical stave, if you plan to move.
Well we start with the first line of the musical stave, here live the seven musical notes. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si. Do is the oldest of them all, it's a little bit grumpy so don't make him angry, please. This is also Re, it's a little presumed, but he knows a lot about drawings, then Mi follow he, her sense of fashion is incredible, she knows what to wear, how to use it and when to use it depending on the occasion.
Fa is the middle one, he knows many things, but according to him he only knows enough.
Sol,is the next, she is an expert in the dance.
La and Si are the smallest of the group, both are very active and mischievous. In theory they are all very different, but one thing is for sure, they do know how to sing.
In the second line are the eighth notes, which are always in a hurry, the black ones, the most punctual of all, the white ones that are always looking for what to do and the round ones, the slowest of all.
The third line is for the silences, it is the loudest line of all, they are always having very loud parties, in the only moment they shut up is when they sing.
The fourth line is for guests and visitors, it is where you will sleep.
The last line is the winery, there we keep the numbers, accents, sustained and all the signs that are taken to the concerts.
 Anyway, we're done, I hope
You decided to stay here for a few days, bye.


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