

I have a rebel friend, she is so rebellious that whenever they send us to recess, she always stays in the classroom. She is so rebellious that when she sneezes no sound is heard. She is so rebellious that once I heard her talk in the library and shut up in a football game I definitely have a rebel friend.

To my grandma

06/NOV/19 Dear grandma: We haven't talked and laughed for a long lomg time. I miss your all of  you,  your food, story tales, and the time that we spend together. I remember the day when we  went to de pools, my birthday day, and other unforgettable moments. I hope you receive this letter wherever you are.  Pdt: I miss you Atte: Toñito

I saw a bird

One day I saw a bird... I saw a bird different  from the rest. Its had all kinds of colors in his plumage, his feathers shone with the sun. Its had a tuft that adorned his head and had a long, pointed beak. His neck was long and seemed very fragile, but it wasn't.I ts tail was also long and full of feathers and colors. Its  wings were huge, they covered the sun every time he took flight and his song does not compare to anything in this world.   I saw a bird, elegant and majestic. But now I only see it when I travel to the dreamland.

how difficult is be an apple

It's so hard to be an apple. How I would like to be pineapple or guava. I'm always working in the supermarket or in the market; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without vacations or breaks.     I always have to be well wrinkled, shiny and most of the time tanned, buyers are very demanding !!! They should love us just like that. If you're blonde they want you tanned, if you're green they want you redhead. WHO UNDERSTAND THEM?!?!?!      But worst of all, they either take you to school as a gift for the teacher or just take you with them to keep the doctor away. Do they see us as a repellent or bribe? It is definitely very difficult to be an apple.

1, 2, 3...

One, a bone in my bed, Two, a bear do poop, Three, now I'm free, Four, I take a tour, And now I don't know What I do Five, She smell smell like a pie, Six, I'm gonna take some pics, Seven, she is my friend Raven, Eight, I do a little ring This is weird Nine, I'm gonna dance And Ten...

How to live in a musical stave?

 How to live in a musical stave? Hello, I am a treble clef and today I will give you a guide on how to survive on the musical stave, if you plan to move. Well we start with the first line of the musical stave, here live the seven musical notes. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si. Do is the oldest of them all, it's a little bit grumpy so don't make him angry, please. This is also Re, it's a little presumed, but he knows a lot about drawings, then Mi follow he, her sense of fashion is incredible, she knows what to wear, how to use it and when to use it depending on the occasion. Fa is the middle one, he knows many things, but according to him he only knows enough. Sol,is the next, she is an expert in the dance. La and Si are the smallest of the group, both are very active and mischievous. In theory they are all very different, but one thing is for sure, they do know how to sing. In the second line are the eighth notes, which are always in a hurry, the black ones, the most ...
There was a very little point. He was so bored. He couldn't do anything. He found a cliff. He jumps tothe cliff. The little point fall. He falls to the ground. He break in tiny pieces. He converts in a flower.